Monday, July 23, 2012

SBB Vol 1 No. 4 and 5

Schug’s Baumholder Bulletin Vol 1 No. IV
This week the surprise came from this side of the pound.  I received an email from Fritz Sprunger.  Fritz’s 
mother was Shirley (Schug) Sprunger (1925) from  Berne, IN and her father was Water Schug (1905).
 Walter's father was Julius Caesar Schug (1858) .   
Fritz was given my email address from Jutta (Schug) Kunz.  Fritz explains;
“My wife and I lived in Baumholder for three years from 1972 to 1975. We met Helmut and Gertrud several months after we arrived and were able to visit with them quite often. We also met Helmut's sister Frieda Fels and other family members. Helmut and Frieda have both passed away, but Gertrud is still living in Baumholder in the same house where she was born.”

They have been back to visit several times since they left Germany and plan to go again later this year;

 He continues in another email:   “I tried to do research on the Schug family, but could never find anyone interested enough to provide much information. I thought I would be able to get some info from our family members in Baumholder, but they never seemed interested. That was about 30 years ago, so maybe they will be more receptive now, however,many of the older more knowledgeable family members have passed away.”

Fritz and his wife are now living in Clearwater, Florida. He works for the Raytheon Company as a Project Manager.  He was born in Decatur, IN on 4/18/1949. My wife Judith (Judy) Lotts was born in Lafayette, IN, on 10/6/1952.

 He wrights:  “I was stationed in Baumholder with the US Army for three years. (At that time Baumholder had a population of 5000, and the US military had 8100 troops with 4500 dependents. It was the largest single US troop concentration in Europe.) When I arrived there, I had no idea that our
family had roots in that community. I received a couple of letters from family members when they learned where we were stationed and they began to send me information that started my search for the Schug family. I met with several Schug's but they didn't seemed too interested (or didn't know anything about their ancestry) in trying to tie their family with mine. Our next door neighbor learned of my quest and said that her brother worked with a Schug and wanted a copy of my info. He (Helmut) connected immediately with John and Louisa Kirsch Schug and our friendship began. I will attached a couple of pictures of Gertrud, Jutta, Melanie and some of their kids. One was taken in 2003 (at Jutta's house in Ruschberg) and the other one in 2004.” 

My German is not very good. When we lived in Germany we got a lot of
practice, but now we only get to use it occasionally when we go to visit.Gertrud, Jutta and Melanie all speak English. Gertrud worked on the US military post for many years and the girls have picked it up in school.(Jutta sent me the e-mail last week in English). Lothar, Jutta's husband,speaks excellent English. He worked in the US Auto repair facility for many years and probably spoke more English than German at work.

I have worked for the Raytheon Company for almost 32 years now. We have two sons, Christian (1975 - born in Germany) and Curtis (1979). They are both married. Christian and his wife Mary were living in Tehachapi, CA, until August of last year. They now live near San Antonio, TX. Chris and Mary gave us our first grandchild (Elizabeth Ann) on 9/11 last year. Curtis and his wife Aurora have been married for two years and live here in Clearwater. Aurora is from Santiago,Chile. They met on a Church Mission trip in  Jan., 2004 and got married in July, 2005.

You mentioned the Schug House in Berne. I have two connections with the house. It was built in 1907 by Emanuel Wanner, a great-grandfather on my father's side and sold to Julius Schug, a great-grandfather on my mother's side. My dad's mom and my mom's dad both lived in the house, but I have never spent the night 

Have you ever read the "History of the Schug Family" by Philip Lamneck? I also have a copy of a book written by his son John H. Lamneck which is a biography of this father. The book contains some information/references to the Schug's in Ohio (Tuscarawas County).

Including Fritz we now have four of Carl Schug’s childrens represented: Philip, Julius, Rudolph, and John Schug.  Still to locate ancestors of William F. Schug (1853), Katherine (Schug) Neuenschwander (1854), and Charles Schug (1856).

On the Baumholder side I have attached their family chart starting at Johann Wilhelm Schug (1811).  Note this is what I have figured out from the Baumholder book.  I may have made some big mistakes.  Remember I know no German.

Till next time  Chuck

My thanks to Fritz who did most of the writing this week.

I can not do attachments on the blog. For Johann Wilhelm Schug descendant chart 
email me @

Schug’s Baumholder Bulletin Vol. 1 No. V
April 29, 2007
Fritz Spunger sent more Schug information of our Baumholder Emigrant Schug’s. 

  1. Inside cover of a German hymnal owned by Catharina (Harth) Rausch dated 10 Dec. 1825. Catharina (1792) is the Wife of  Philipp Rausch (1782) mother of Catharina Schug (1833).  The complete hymnal might still exist.  Fritz suggests that the hymnal came across to N. America with the Rausch family in 1848.  The inscription (below 1825 and in the small hart) is in Old German and is impossible to read except for the name Daniel Ha??.  Perhaps this hymnal was a dedicated to a child that died.
  2. Colorized picture of Catherina Rausch Schug (1833-1902).  I have the same picture (not colorizes) . Fritz has the chalk portrait given to him by his grandfather Walter Schug (1905-1981) size 16”x21”.  I am including two other pictures of Catherina, one with my grand father John Henry Schug (1868-1932) and one alone.   I have three other photos one might be of her at a younger age.
  3. Two pages of the  “Emigrant list from the Mayor’s Office of Baumholder: Mid 19th to 20th Century” .  This is a crown jewel  in family research.  It names when the Rausch’s and Schug’s received permits to leave Baumholder Prussia to N. America.  The first page I have not translated yet.  Page two is translated and gives insights the Schug’s and Rausch’s Emigration. 
Analysis: Schug
  1. Permission to leave Baumholder had to be given by the Government. 
  2. Daniel Schug (1820) his older brothers John (1812) a farmer and Freidrick Schug (1819)  a blacksmith and their families probably  left together in 1846.  They had all told  3,400 thaler in cash.  A stake big enough to buy land and equipment to start a farm and/or business in Ohio.
  3. Louisa (Kirsch) Schug (1794) came to Ohio the next year with her sons Karl (1825) and Heinrich (1827) along with her brother in law Peter Schug (1802).  Together thy brought cash of and additional 1,500 thaler.
  4. The remainder of the Schug’s, John Freidrick come over in 1849 and Jakob (1820) with his wife Juliana (1830) left Boumholder in 1854.
Analysis: Rausch
  1. Philipp (1872) his wife Katharina (1892) and children left Baumholder in 1848.  This confirms my research that Carl Schug and Katharina Rausch married in Ohio 2nd May 1850.  and the ship they most likely traveled on was the Tarquin that left La Havre and arrived in New York on 29th June 1848 (a three month trip from Baumholder to New York)
  2. Tarquin, a 515 ton, three-masted sailing ship of American registry, George Moody, master. Built in Boston in 1833, she was just 143 feet long and had a beam of 27 feet, nine and one half inches. There was a cabin on the upper deck because her manifest lists 14 passengers separately as "Cabin." The First Class and 183 other passengers were jammed into Tarquin's second deck. "Jammed" because this works out to about ten square feet per person for a four to six week voyage across the Atlantic
  1. To my surprise my family chart so far is quite accurate.  Only John Freidrick Schug seems to out of place in the family order.  Also Philipp Jakob Rausch (1827) appears to be a twin to Philippena Rausch (1827) she is not listed since she married Daniel A. Grimm (1823) in 1848.  This is Mat Peirce connection to the Schug Rausch Family.
Stay tuned Chuck

Hymnal cover of Catharina Rausch

    Catharina Rausch Schug                                                    John H. Schug & Catharina Schug
Are these the same person?  I know Catharina is on the left.  

 Emigrant List  Translation
The Emigrant List  from the Mayor’s Office of Baumholder
 Middle of the  19Th  to Beginning  of the  20Th of the Century
Baumholder required one to get permission to emigrate.  This is a translation of the record of request to emigrate. Giving the name, age, religion, date granted/departed, destination, and the amount of cash they left with. 
  • 54. Rausch, Abraham Age: 26 Evangelical, Emigrated: 29th March 1848 N. America, Cash 150 Thaler
  • 55. Rausch, Friedrich Age: 30  Evangelical, Son, Isaak R Emigrated 31st March 1853 N. America Cash 150 Thaler
  • 56. Rausch, Jakob Age: 30 Evangelical, Wife: Katharina-25 Emigrated: 1949, N. America
  • 57. Rausch, Philipp, Age: 65, Evangelical , Wife: Katharina (Harth), Age: 55, Children: Philipp Jakob-21, Friedrich-17, and Katharina-14, Emigrated: 28th March 1848 Cash:  1,000 Thaler
  • 70. Schug, Karl, Age: 23, Evangelical, Emigrated: 27th April 1847 to N. America. Cash 200 Thaler
  • 71. Schug, Daniel, Age: 25 Evangelical, Emigrated: 1846 to N. America Cash 300 Thaler
  • 72. Schug, Friedrich Occupation: Blacksmith, Age: 26, Evangelical, Wife : Katharina  (Pauli), Age 23 Evangelical,  Emigrated: 1846, N. America Cash: 600 Thaler
  • 73. Schug, Jakob Age 32 Evangelical, Wife: Juliana ( Köster) Age: 24, Children: Juliana-6 months.  Emigrated: 16th Feb. 1854 N. America, Cash: 800 Thaler
  • 74. Schug, Johann, Occupation: Farmer Age: 37, Evangelical, Wife: Louisa (Schmidt) 30, Children: Louisa – 6, Friedrich-6mo.  Emigrated: 1846, N. America Cash: 2,500 Thaler
  • 75. Schug, Johann Friedrich Age 22 Evangelical Emigrated: 13th Feb. 1849 N. America, Cash 100 Thaler
  • 76. Schug, Louisa (Kirsch) Widow of Johannes Schug Age: 63 Evangelical,  Children: Heinrich-19 Emigrated 27th March 1847, N. America, Cash 1,200 Thaler
  • 77. Schug, Peter Age 44 Evangelical Emigrated: 27th March 1847 Cash 100 Thaler

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